Academy Schools – Conversion and On-Going Support

Academy Schools – Conversion and On-Going Support

Converting to academy status is an attractive proposition for many
schools and is intended to lead to greater innovation and the raising of standards


Dodd & Co have a wealth of experience in dealing with the education sector.
Converting to academy status is an attractive proposition for many schools and
is intended to lead to greater innovation and the raising of standards. Academies
have greater freedom from local authority control giving them the ability to set
their own pay and conditions for staff; flexibility around the delivery of the curriculum and the ability to make changes to the length of terms and school days.

Academies also gain access to the budget traditionally retained by the local authority to provide central functions: such as accountancy,
legal services, Health & Safety and insurance. However, this additional flexibility brings increased responsibility and administration,
and this is where Dodd & Co can assist.We have put together a range of support
packages for academies offering a variety of services from basic bookkeeping
support right through to termly finance reviews with the board of directors and the audit of your financial statements.

Conversion Support
Dodd & Co are able to assist your school during the conversion process. Our conversion support service sinclude assistance with accountancy
software installation, set-up and training implementation of financial control systems; and preparation of initial budgets. Schools converting to academy status
are eligible to apply to the Department for Education for a grant to cover one-off costs incurred in the conversion process.

Specialist Academy Schools Services:
• Accountancy Software
• Installation, Set-up & Training
• Financial Control Systems
• Budget Preparation
• Accountancy Support
• Audit Services
• VAT & Charity Advice
• Strategic Planning

On-going Support
Once you have converted to an academy, we offer a range of services to assist with the day-to-day accounting functions and year-end requirements.
On an on-going basis we can help with everything from general advice on bookkeeping and accounts procedures; to performing the responsible officer role
during the year; to carrying out the year-end audit of accounts for submission to the Department for Education and Companies House.

Ad-hoc Advice
In addition we can advise in other areas such as business planning, business case preparation and corporate structure; and guidance and support on VAT issues as

Visit our website
to download our Academy Schools Flyer.
Please contact Martin Ward for further

help and advice on 01228 530913 or email


Tel: 01228 530913
Fax: 01228 515485

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